We are careful about rights, but if there are any omissions, please contact us by discord! CC-BY.CC-BY-ND, etc., we have contacted the creators of the characters we use and have obtained commercial use rights through special agreements with them. jackroo,Dnaddr.Whitelemon.Ispinox.Sivel.C&Gstudio.URthe1.mopedlampe.OniEkohvius.yaneks.jackyCracky.PixelPort.Blaspheratus. DemonLord.paledriver.VaMChan/VAM_Archer.Xspada.Salem005 CC-BY.zeeko.sxs4.maru01.yameteOuji.aimafox.weebUVR.slimy.hazmhox.nl-vam,ascorad.everlaster.CheesyFX.ToumeiHitsuji.UserBob. MacGruber.Orange*Gumi.redeyes.Xstatic.VAMCHAN.tanklover We regularly censor the characters of the above creators whom we respect. We will contact him or her as soon as we find them. You will find detailed assets and other information under the above creators. The assets used are free or purchased directly from the creators. Everything, including plug-ins, is CC-BY only as of 2025/0113